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About Centerpoint management UK

How it all began…

The starting point for Centerpoint Management was in March 2012, when the company specialised purely in Events.

It was the budding word of mouth and directors eye for London hot spots that warmed the grounds Centerpoint UK now firmly stands on.

 After successfully planning the single launch of Professor Green’s private bash in South Kensington, it was no wonder copious amounts of celebrities and media swarmed to the place making promising connections with Miss Lapper that are now still on-going.
 Centerpoint Management is based on diversity. Proving to be the only transgendered UK director of a PR company, Miss Chloe-Amelia Lapper had outgrown critics, proving being different is better than being normal. Using all of her experience working with high luxury brands Miss Lapper has taken it in her stride to find her own brands to represent

and has since managed brands such as Laska Sak, Osspec, Sixx Entertainment and many others.

This however, is all due to the consistency of Miss Lapper’s hard work and positive attitude as a young transgendered professional who believes that a client can gain anything they want from her company through the right contacts and dedication. Centerpoint Management Ltd prides itself in being a company that specialises in PR, Marketing, Management of models/ celebrities and anything relatable in between. If we feel as a company you have what it takes to expand, then we will take it in our hands to make it happen.

Twitter – @centerpointuk

“Want to be treated like a woman, Act like a woman”

I am so annoyed these days with Trans people acting the ‘victim’ all the time. Most, not all! trans women in particular tend to be sooooo over the top!!.. what happened to being inconspicuous or trying to ‘Fit in’. I agree that life isn’t hard, especially if you are looking for acceptance as a trans M/F but it doesn’t help with the way most of you are acting.

A trans woman walking into a bar, short skirt/dress massive heels looks about 7ft tall tones of make overly feminine and gets upset if someone stares or says something?? This is what I am talking about. Trans women I would say 90% have the most disgusting attitudes to life and society. Always posting online Trans issues not ever seeing their own issues. OMG too many trans people in this life are bothered about what other people are saying, doing in the media, life, schools. Whatever it may be just ‘Chill the F out’!!..

I myself wear clothes which are more normal, I don’t act overly camp/feminine real women are not like this so why act that way it draws attention to yourself. If you are tall don’t walk into a straight bar and not expect people to not stare.. Be thoughtful of other peoples opinions!.. I can’t stress this enough. I have been lucky enough to be quite well accepted everywhere however it’s about how you show yourself to the world. I am respectful of other peoples opinions if they don’t understand ‘Trans’ or are against it don’t hate them!.. Try and educate them or ignore it… Don’t go in all guns blazing expecting to help the situation any more because 9 times out of 10 it’s not going to work.

The only issue I ever had was that I was refused entry to a female toilet in a club. It upset me a lot I wont lie and had to go into the men’s toilet. It was horrible coming out to 3-4 guys laughing at me shouting abuse.. but I stood there at the door and told them its ok I respect your opinion I was refused in the girls toilets and made a little laugh of the situation… their remarks saying I am weird, sick, tranny! were changed to ‘ok man your choice good on ya!!’

Not every person is the same as me however if every trans person was to be this way with one person think how well awareness would be right now?!..

Also what’s with the fact trans women, use being ‘Trans’ as an excuse not to work a normal job. 95% of all trans women are escorts, prostitutes, strippers or something worse….. Get a job! stop living off the government and using being trans as an excuse… I know many trans women who are successful, being themselves and living life as a man/women in a more ‘normal’ way!.. I own a PR company and manage celebs and models yet I don’t once have any problems with the fact I am a man dressing as woman!.. I am on hormones and going through the change.. many don’t understand this and are always asking questions wanting to know more.. I get messages saying that I inspire them… or that I am respected by a lot of people.. this is all down to my attitude and rational thinking of every situation.!..

Trans people of the world… try your best to follow these steps and not to get caught up into the world of abuse, drugs, sex, slavery, depression and loneliness its easier said than done but it can be done.

Rant over now but I think if all trans people in the world were to stop, think and listen every once in a while then we may have a better understanding of people in the world.Image